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Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Part 1 (Eps 1-35) (Blu-Ray)

"If you loved FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST then I guarantee you that you'll love this too."
Otaku USA
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In alchemy, all must obey the law of equivalent exchange

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Country: Japan
Year: 2009
Runtime: 875 mins

Edward and Alphonse Elric’s reckless disregard for alchemy’s fundamental laws ripped half of Ed’s limbs from his body and left Al’s soul clinging to a cold suit of armour. To restore what was lost, the brothers scour a war-torn land for the Philosopher’s Stone, a fabled relic which grants the ability to perform Alchemy in impossible ways.

The Elrics are not alone in their search; the corrupt State Military is eager to harness the artefact’s power. So too are the strange Homunculi and their shadowy creator. The mythical gem lures exotic alchemists from distant kingdoms, scarring some deeply enough to inspire murder. As the Elrics find their course altered by these enemies and allies, their purpose remains unchanged - and their bond unbreakable.

Special Features
  • Episode commentaries
  • Textless opening and closing songs

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